グリーンピアのエントリー博一さん x

きっずはあとスカイラインでエビスサーキット祭り。This was definitely an afternoon to remember on my last trip to Japan. Spending the Saturday of the Spring Matsuri sitting at the South 南 Course watching girl drifter Rei Shinmi-San all the way from Nagoya, Kansai making the most of the open track as the sun was setting behind the mountains of Ebisu. 6 weeks x

Stylish R34 at Nikko Circuit for the RB Meeting in 2012 x

AutoSelect GT-R

April 20th, 2012

The ever so famous AutoSelect R34 GT-R Time Attack car, with its own protection x

February 16th, 2011

The entrance to the BEE*R office.

The little fellow behind the office greeted us with these BEE*R fans, exactly like the ones you see in the D1GP rounds. I still have about 3 in my cupboard that I’ll never let go.

The office is covered with photos and trophies from the past. The BEE*R team have always been very successful in the D1 division.

Not speaking much English we still managed to get our messages across. Seeming as we were Gaijin’s we managed to score 50% off anything in the office, stickers, overalls and other accessories.
Thats it for BEE*R.

February 14th, 2011

Day in, day out our days were spent punching in phone numbers to tracks, workshops and shops. Our second day in Tokyo brought us to Bee*R. Walking into the workshop was ever so surreal with the ever so famous Bee*R R34 sitting on jack stands with a mechanic asleep right beside it. It was hard to believe all the D1GP cars are built right in this very garage. More to come.