September 10th, 2020
If you share a passion for anything on 4 wheels new and old you’re sure to be familiar with the Tokyo Auto Salon held at Makuhari Messe Chiba in between Narita International Airport & downtown Tokyo every year at the beginning of January.
This as event that I have been wanting to attend for as many years as long as I’ve had an interest in cars, dating back to the early 2000’s of grainy film photos showcasing the pure feel of what this event has to offer ever year.
I would say the one and only downside to this event is how freezing cold the weather is, being directly opposite the bayside of the ocean multiple jackets and layers are needed. In saying that inside the venue is warmed by the sheer amount of people who attend the event from all across the globe.
If you’re not too busy post new years eve plans and this worldwide pandemic is no longer a thing i highly recommend taking the time to visit Japan during early January and checking out Tokyo Auto Salon to see shops and large brand car makers show off their newest and oldest creations for the year ahead.
My favourites from this year were MIZUNO WORKS & CAR MODIFY WONDER. Enjoy these few selects from January this year. Casey x
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