A Quiet Day @ Bihoku Circuit
October 5th, 2011
On the second last day of our trip some of the boys were lucky enough to head down to Okayama where Bihoku Circuit is located on the peak of a gorgeous mountain. Incase you didn’t notice Okayama is located directly in between Osaka and Hiroshima and took about 3-3.5 hours from Osaka. Even though the circuit didn’ have many cars attend it was without a doubt worth the trip down, I’ve always wanted to visit this track and I’m glad I did.
This track really is nothing to what I was expecting, it is completely different in the flesh. First up in the pits we have a very standard looking JZX90 Chaser.
One of my favourite cars from the day was this Toyota Starlet KP-61 sitting on 14″ Longchamp XR4’s and Watanabe’s on the rear. The young fellow rocked up with his partner and his little bub for the day, what a cute car.
I was actually quite surprised of the temperature on this day, it was ridiculously hot. The majority of videos I’ve watched shows that the majority of the circuit is surrounded by several feet of snow but this day was the complete opposite and it wasn’t anywhere near summer time. Here are some of the drivers taking a break form the heat and spectating some of the Australian drivers. I can’t wait to get my film developed from this day and show you a lot more photos, not only from the B Circuit but the A one too! Stay tuned x
October 8th, 2011 at 12:06 pm
That’s a Mark 2, not a Chaser.