

セリカクさんのRPS13板金 10月2015年 x

Midnight Garage Milk Tea

August 26th, 2016






Midnight Garage MILK TEA x

最高前期 x


March 4th, 2013

After spending a clear and warm Spring day at Meihan with Joel and Jesse we decided to stop a couple of times on the back into Osaka. After checking out Up Garage Joel and myself spotted GOING AUTOMOTIVE whilst sitting in traffic. Reversing at a set of traffic lights, dodging traffic in a noisy, body scraping R32 seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary so we parked up and checked out the classy cars they had for sale. This JZS161 was by far the coolest in the lot. Plenty more photos will be posted soon x


February 12th, 2013

When it comes to RWB RAUH-Welt BEGRIFF I think you’ll know this familiar face – Nojima Yusuke-San, the painter of these amazing porches that roll out of Chiba Japan. Here are a couple of photos I captured a day prior to an Idlers meeting last year, prepping the infamous AE86 x

April 15th, 2011

Last night I shot something rather cool, but it didn’t run as smoothly as I was expecting. As you probably know I did my last shoot this month in a workshop using lights, this time it looked to be the same so I’m going to re-shoot this wicked onevia in the daylight. I just thought I’d update you with a shot of this car, it may look like a normal onevia but it’s probably not what you expect. Stay tuned for a full feature on

February 16th, 2011

The entrance to the BEE*R office.

The little fellow behind the office greeted us with these BEE*R fans, exactly like the ones you see in the D1GP rounds. I still have about 3 in my cupboard that I’ll never let go.

The office is covered with photos and trophies from the past. The BEE*R team have always been very successful in the D1 division.

Not speaking much English we still managed to get our messages across. Seeming as we were Gaijin’s we managed to score 50% off anything in the office, stickers, overalls and other accessories.
Thats it for BEE*R.