January 29th, 2018

one of my greatest goals and things to work towards whilst running this blog is to one day have my own personal car back in the country of japan and to shoot a number of stickers & accessories that would soon be available to SHIRTSTUCKEDIN. this latest release was precisely that, having shipped my car over late last year I was able to make the time and shoot this most recent collection of inventory and stickers on my car in the bay of osaka.

feel free to check out the online store via the link below. with more than 60 individual items for sale – your support is unbelievably appreciated. casey xxx

shop now x


October 12th, 2017

the SHIRTSTUCKEDIN online store is now open. the first 50 orders processed will receive one free sticker alongside going in the draw to redeem a $150 gift voucher to spend as you wish. with our new and improved website featuring added payment options, worldwide shipping options and speeds. please take the time to read our updated terms, conditions and F.A.Q page. if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us directly.  your support is greatly appreciated. click the image above to be re-directed straight to the store. caseyy x