April 19th, 2011

I’ve finally made up my mind on what film to purchase for this coming overseas trip. At the start of the year I purchased a couple of different films such as: Kodak Max 400, Kodak Ultramax 400 and Fuji Superia Xtra 400 (135). Looking around for prices I figure the Fuji Colour film is the way to go and personally I think it overrules the other films. It turns out I can pickup 8 rolls for $46AUD. Here is a shot I snapped early February of Pete Holloway’s PS13 sitting on a huge set of longchamps.

March 4th, 2011

Last month I decided to buy some Fuji colour film and see how it compares with Kodak olour film I’ve been using previously, mainly to see what I like better and which to use for Japan next month. Being told the tones and colours are different between the two, by the looks of the roll I got developed yesterday I really like the colour and tones the Fujifilm develops. In saying this I have to get my hands on some black and white film and try that. On the other hand I have a roll of 120 film that is waiting to be processed, if that turns out well I’l consider taking Rob’s Dianna F to Japan for something different.
This is a photo of Peter Holloway’s PS13 which is currently in it’s build progress. I shot an article on this RocketBunny kitted machine last month, check it out here. Really looking forward to this car being finished.