gasoline stand photo taken in nara with shane x



福岡に夜の走る一緒にパパンプーと田川チーム、2015年10月 x


jesse x

街道レーサー夜の走る、山梨県ツーリング x

happy birthday endo-san. GX71 champ of kanagawa atsugi. 遠藤さん誕生日おめでとうございますよ! x

The pinnacle of RWB: Stella Artois sitting at Idlers, Tsukuba Circuit 2012 x

The classic petrol station shot with a drift car.

July 13th, 2011

Here is TJ – Todd Waldon’s Japanese drifter, a Type X RPS13 dropped on 17″ Work XT-7’s and 18″ AVS Model 5’s on the rear which works wonders for the Type X and J-Blood aero. Shooting this car was a real pleasure. The second night of being in Japan we were prepping the cars until 2-3am in the morning in order to make the Motorland Suzuka in a few hours. This photo was taken at around 1am in the morning whilst testing the rear guards on TJ’s car. Awesome Japanese drift car parked up a service station filling up looking ever so stylish, quite authentic? I think so.

December 14th, 2010