街道レーサー夜の走る、山梨県ツーリング x


January 29th, 2013

Night fun in Tokyo ~ FREEE’S☆ JZX 100 x


January 14th, 2013

Enjoying late, cool, rainy week nights at some parking areas just off the Tomei Expressway. Some of the best times spent with Team FREEE’S x


November 22nd, 2012

Late nights and early mornings with LOWBRAIN x


June 27th, 2012

On the last week of my trip one of my good friends Ryohei Takahashi-San opted for us to cruise out of central Tokyo and meet up with the rest of his team mates – Team Freee’s . We shortly found ourselves about 30km’s past Ebina / Atsugi before we stopped in a PA along the highway to meet up with the rest of the crew. If you’re asking yourself where you remember this car from I could almost bet you’re thinking of Hellaflush at Fuji Speedway late last year. Prior to travelling to Japan I once again never actually thought I’d see this car, let alone sitting in a PA. The driver goes by the name of Yo-San and is a full-time painter – the craziest and coolest Japanese person I have met, period. The car currently has no shakken aka registration and no license plates. The current plates on the car specifically say ‘FUCK 50 FREE’SWE MESS AROUND IN TOKYO-KANAGAWA AREA‘. Pretty cool if you ask me. Don’t worry, I took way too many photos of this car that night and also got some highway shots. There will be lots and lots to come, along with the remaining team cars. Enjoy x

February 24th, 2011

February 23rd, 2011

February 23rd, 2011

November 16th, 2010