
ムーンアイズ30th記念日 x

街道レーサー夜の走る、山梨県ツーリング x


March 21st, 2013

The definition of KISS and perfection; GX71 Mark II on 14″ SSR Mark IIs x

August 25th, 2011

Thursday August 25th 2011: 106 days since I’ve been to Japan and I’m having bad withdrawals. I want to go back. Searching through photos from my first trip I couldn’t resist to post this characterised looking Mark II JZX 100. The feeling I got when I looked at this photo was a real shock, it was an instant flashback from my experiences in Japan and it’s just given me more of a reason to return. This was definitely one of the greatest nights of my life. After a full day out at Fuji Raceway we returned back into Tokyo and thought we’d drop by the ever so famous Daikoku PA in Yokohama, little did we know what we were about to see. Shortly, I will be sending just under 400 35mm shots to Chris to get scanned onto disks so I can get them up on the blog and let me tell you I can’t wait to show you them! In the meantime I will be posting random photos from both of my trips to Japan. 

August 18th, 2011

I can’t help myself but to post another shot of the NUMBERSIX NA-6 MX-5 from Meihan. After seeing all the dope photos Chris has put on his blog from a recent track day it’s just making me want a little Miata for myself even more.

March 2nd, 2011

During the first week of March is Skyline Week, Nick Rombouts and I took his R31 Silhouette up our local mountain, Mt.Nebo last night to snatch a few photos. As this car isn’t driven daily anymore both Nick and I have realised how cool it is to drive it back on the road, especially up a mountain. As we were racing against the clock to grab the last few minutes of the sun it was a pretty quick ride up the hill, as a matter in fact my thongs began to melt on the passenger side floor, it got pretty hot! Arriving to the S bends on the side of a cliff the sun was completely gone, the camera wouldn’t focus and it wanted to set itself higher than 4000 ISO. Luckily I bought my tripod which I never use anymore. Lighting the car on the front headlight with an iPhone to get the camera to focus worked reasonably well.
Happy R31 Day everyone, stay tuned for more Skylines through until the 5th of this month.