May 15th, 2011

The end of something truly wonderful. I’m not sure if many of you know, but a lot of the street / mountain action is unfortunately closing in with the police cracking down harder than ever. Ports, mountains and roads have been shut down and monitored closer than ever before. Whilst I was in Japan I was speaking to Shane Bingham a local resident in Osaka for the 5-6 years about drifting. Living in Japan over the few years he has seen a dramatic change in the street scene. As you know, last Japan trip we got to experience some pretty amazing street driving in Yokohama Bay Tokyo, this time we were even luckier. After a track day in Suzuka we headed up north to Nagoya were we met about 40-50 drift cars in a local Lawson’s carpark, this itself was surreal. You probably remember my last photo I posted from this night with the 2 D1 S15’s. As the Lawson’s is privately owned no police are restricted to enter that’s why all these cars hang out here prior to driving. As soon as they’re finished they roll back, change tires and then head back out, pretty cool huh? After everyone had filled up on fried chicken and energy drinks, we made the drive to the port which is about 2km’s down the main drag from the Lawson’s, suddenly your lining up in the line to do the lap. Top of 3rd gear transitioning into a tight u-turn right hander and then back up the opposite side of the road. This is one of many I captured that night, along with tonnes of video footage. Incase you can’t pick it, it’s a JZX 90 which of course had an unbelievable 1J note to it.

A month or so prior to this Japan trip I was contemplating selling or trading my 5D Mark II for another body, preferably a 1-Series. I did the same last November before I headed over. As soon as I got home and had the chance to look at the images I captured on a display larger than 3″ I really take my 5d for granted. I really can’t wait to show you more from my recent trip.

2 Responses to “”

  1. lachlan Says:

    that is an amazing shot casey

  2. xian Says:

    Amazing shot dude!

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