Hayashi-San from OLD☆SCHOOL and his L700 Mira x

SSRA Spirant soukoukai Nikko Circuit. Thanks Spirant and N-Style x

After 30+ hours of driving, trains and walking I’m finally back in Tokyo after another 2 unforgettable days spent down south in Hiroshima for the Bad Stance Meet held buy Bad Quality x Review. The day prior to the meet Nakagawa-san and Idekawa-san took us to some of their friends workshops around their home town x

Cold days with some of the grooviest cars from southern Japan x

C130 parked up of the expressway heading to the Carina x Celica meeting in Fujinomiya x

Amazing GX51 at Drive in Mochi for the Carina x Celica meeting x

LOWBRAIN ☆ Rub The Earth x

Too many memories, thoughts and words jump into my head when I stare at this picture. Sessions x Y32 Cima x

An AE86 from the Tokyo region in which I’ve been stalking through various Japanese profiles and sites. Finally, I got to see it in person at the SSRA Spirant soukoukai day at Nikko Circuit. Pure Toyota perfection x