
yukito low style RPS13 at daikoku parking area x


February 22nd, 2013

With Japans population oozing over 127,000,000 mark sometimes traffic becomes extremely bad, especially during Golden Week. This was our second day on our 2012 trip, 20 or so hours in, still no sleep. The Annual Mooneyes event was on in Odaiba, Tokyo Bay. Being only 20 or so kilometres from central Tokyo we thought it’d be a good idea to drive out seeming as it was such a nice Spring day. Just under 3 hours later we finally made it in Odaiba, without a park however. Traffic can be frustrating in Japan but not so much when you have gorgeous cars like this BMW to keep your mind at ease x

Park-San checking out 1 of 2 Honda Shuttles that headed out on a quiet friday night with a few other friends on the bay of Tokyo. Cool, relaxing nights in Kanto will forever be the best x


December 20th, 2012

Pair of Shuttles hanging out at Enoshima on a warm Spring night overlooking the bay and Mt Fuji x

December 22nd, 2010

On the first day, we made our way into the centre region of Tokyo City, planning to visit both garages and shops such as Super Autobacs. The previous night, being our first night in Japan we were unable to find any accommodation, therefore we slept in the car in between a number of rice fields. Definitely one to remember. Arriving in Tokyo earlier than expected, it turned out we had about 3 hours to kill before anything opened. Most shops open around 11:00am in the morning, rather than 7:30-8:00 here in Australia. We took the time to walk a few kilometres around the city. Crossing paths with thousands of businessmen and women this image captured the early morning rush perfectly in my eyes.

November 27th, 2010

November 11th, 2010