October 4th, 2011

As promised, more images from the Supermade cars – Nissan Gloria and of course the S15 Silvia. This photo above is probably one of my favourites from my whole trip to Osaka. I kindly asked the fellow decked out in a Supermade jacket and parachute pants if he’d like to get a photo with the car and he agreed. These type of photos remind me of the Dori Ten styled images with the Japanese pointing to specific parts on their cars pulling stupid faces, however this one was a little more casual.

The day we visited Supermade Takanori-san agreed to park the S15 out the back for me to feature, here is a little teaser on what’s to come very soon. So, I have to ask, what would you prefer? The 4 door Nissan Gloria or the S15 Silvia?

September 30th, 2011

During our visit to Supermade, Yoshida-san was kind enough to park the car out the back of the workshop in the middle of the car park to get some static shots. I will of course be posting these photos but I thought I’d show you this one first. Shane Bingham opted for this style of photo with Yoshida-san in front of his S15 on the phone, like he always is. Stay tuned x