Out of any other month this year this will be my busiest yet. Throughout June the remainder of my Japanese content will arise to the surface with more car features and drift days such as the Wreck `Em day at Meihan featuring Team Burst, Origin, Jesse Streeter, Supermade and many more. Also this month I will be giving you plenty of workshop tours throughout the Kansai region such as: Auto Select, Trial, Supermade and Jenesis to name a few. One more thing I’d like to kick off this month would be my behind the scenes articles from my recent trip with K-Tours, this will go through our day to day schedule over the two week period. Be sure to check out what else we have in store for this month here. For now, enjoy this photo of the R32 GT-R from Trial.
June 3rd, 2011 at 5:53 am
R32, as ever, a feast for the eyes; and how about that classic color scheme!!! Great shot!