Bihoku Misc

January 4th, 2012

Happy new year everyone! I just got back from a 5 night getaway with the crew down the coast. Now that I’m back and have a few more rolls of film developed from Japan it’s time to get things back up to speed on the site. Here is a photo of Buck and TJ chilling out at Bihoku Highland.

September 8th, 2011

Todd’s Hot Road Type X RPS13, perfect.

July 19th, 2011

Continuing sorting through more photos from Motorland Suzuka I came across this particular one of TJ Waldon in his HotRoad Type X RPS13, this image could almost sum up why I love the Motorland circuit as much as I do, the surroundings and the amount of trees and natural things you have to work with is absolutely awesome. It took a few attempts to get this photo as the camera had a few focus problems with all the trees in the way, but this is pretty close to what I was aiming for.

May 29th, 2011

Seeing as I’m not going to get my film developed for another week or so I’ve decided to post another photo from Bihoku. This time not of a bare track but TJ shredding his RPS13 into the first corner. On the day we decided to head down it was pretty quiet with around a dozen cars, hopefully next time I’ll get to experience some type of event, my pick would be MSC or Drift Muscle or just any larger grassroots meet.

March 24th, 2011
