September 8th, 2015
This week marks the two year anniversary of the birth of Shirtstuckedin. The story behind the origins of this site is a humble one – it all started purely as a platform from which I could share with you the photographs that never made it to publication with my employers. In short, it was a creative outlet where I could showcase the remainder of my work and give an insight into what happens ‘behind the scenes’. As for the name – well, it was a cold night, I was riding and my shirt and jumper were tucked in to keep me warm. Silly? Yep, I totally agree. Since these humble beginnings I have dedicated myself to keeping Shirtstuckedin stocked with quality content. I have travelled both nationally and internationally, taking you guys – my valued followers, along for the ride with me. Having returned home just days ago from a two month trip to Japan, I have prepared a couple of celebratory surprises to say thank you for joining me on this amazing two year ride. Casey x
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