January 19th, 2013
渋谷東京日本 x
January 19th, 2013
The pinnacle of RWB: Stella Artois sitting at Idlers, Tsukuba Circuit 2012 x
January 18th, 2013
Toyota MZ10 at Tomobe SA x
January 18th, 2013
Spring in Japan. Soukoukai day at Mobara Twin Circuit with plenty of members from Team Illusion throwing down lap after lap. 1920 x 1200 version of this available in the desktop section x
January 15th, 2013
Stylish R34 at Nikko Circuit for the RB Meeting in 2012 x
January 14th, 2013
Enjoying late, cool, rainy week nights at some parking areas just off the Tomei Expressway. Some of the best times spent with Team FREEE’S x
January 14th, 2013
Two favourites from a Carina x Celica meet at Drive-In Mochiya x
January 11th, 2013
One of the very first events of my last trip was the RB Meeting at Nikko Circuit. Needlesss to say there was an uncountable amount of well-built cars and of course driving. You might remember this car from this post mid last year, here are a few more photos, plenty more coming soon x
ジーピースポーツ RPS13
January 10th, 2013
ジーピースポーツ RPS13 x
January 8th, 2013
れいめいドリフト。If there was one up to date image that summed up my travels, experiences and my feelings towards Japan, this would top it off. It’s one thing to have such a strong interest in the Japanese culture and the crazy car scene that is surrounded in such a tight, busy city however it is a completely different experience to have it come true after decades of reading, researching and watching media thrown all over the internet, not to forget old VHS’ and DVD’s. Shooting meets, drift, circuit days are still of course an adrenaline pump although one thing I’ve come to realise with my travels to Japan the past 3 years is that the excitement and thrill will always get you when you least expect it. The fact that every time I step off into Japanese soil there are so many things running through my mind every other possible thought that was processing a few minutes ago has completely vanished and that pump doesn’t stop until I board the flight home. That is what gives me the drive, motivation to work because at the end of the day it is all worth it and I have images such as this to showcase to the rest of the world. 12 weeks out~ Casey x