まさしよこいさんの YZサーキット MSC
December 15th, 2012
Masashi Yokoi-San, king of YZ Circuit, Nagoya x
December 13th, 2012
Kanto mornings on the coastline x
GP SPORTS スポーツランド
December 12th, 2012
チームLOWBRAIN とうげ〜
December 11th, 2012
3 and a half hours away from the bright lights and non-stop action we made our way up some very special roads that LOWBRAIN thought we’d enjoy. A night filled with fireworks, colourful wands and rainy touge drifting will definitely not be forgotten. A great start to an awesome adventure in J. LOWBRAIN FAMILY x
Honda Friends
December 11th, 2012
On the little meeting that Shota-San put on for us he brought a few of his Honda friends, one being Tatsuya Kobayashi. This, is his S200 on Watanabe’s which is actually a drift car. I remember seeing a bunch of photos of this machine lingering around Japan when I was in Australia so it was awesome to see it in person. If you click here you’ll take a ride with Seita-San and his H22A CB3 Accord from a local LAWSON following Tatsuya. Also, if you click here, here and here you’ll see some clips of this S2K getting thrown around at Ebisu. Enjoy x
December 11th, 2012
The day we drove from Miyagi precture (Sendai) to Tokyo and then to Kansai (Osaka). It was the last day of being a teenager. Arriving in Tokyo we spent the evening to an awesome western dinner in Shibuya with good friend Park. It was then time to set route for Osaka. Slowly making our way down the Tomei Expressway we thought we’d change the route to see Fuji under the moonlight and headed directly across to the Shin Tomei Expressway which runs directly parallel. The best road I’ve ever driven on and probably will ever drive on. It was only very recently built, this year in fact and runs for 253.2km. No sign of traffic, super clear Spring night with Fuji-San shining it’s snow-capped glory under the moonlight. Cutting through mountains end on end and witnessing some amazing cars. Best times, something I’ll never forget, spent with a car full of best friends x
K−BREAK スタイル
December 11th, 2012
December 10th, 2012
Late nights in Atsugi hanging with Team LOWBRAIN and Fukushima-San from MATERIAL Racing. A night I won’t forget x
December 10th, 2012
Team FANTA 300ZX throwing down at Mobara Twin Circuit at a soukoukai day. Not often you see these things being thrown around as well as this guy was x
NAのPS13の シルビア 筑波サーキット
December 9th, 2012
This, without question was my favourite car at the Idlers event at Tsukuba Cirucit – N/A PS13. Such an awesome meet. That much variety you literally don’t know where to point your camera. I will be digging up a lot more photos of this machine but until now enjoy this and another shot here x