
October 26th, 2012

After finishing work on a Thursday night, Friday morning I am sitting here, typing, watching the sun rise out of my office window. I couldn’t help to scroll through some archives from the streets of Kanto. Here, is one of my favourite images I captured one morning. I always feel the need to post non cliche` photos on Fridays so here is an update for this morning. Throwing towards a parked trailer on the street. Super groovy S14 who could really, really drive. Happy friday and happy weekend. Casey x

3 Responses to “ストレト〜”

  1. hirosuke Says:

    desktop please 🙂

  2. Josh Says:

    This has to be a desktop! it just has to be! perfect

  3. M Says:

    It’s been said but DESKTOP PLEASE!!! =D

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